Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences


This year the members of the committee are:

Eran Broshy

Danielle L. Capalino*
Yu Jing Chen
Irene Cheng*
Jeffrey S. Halis
Mary E. Hatten**
L. Robert Johnson^
Kenneth Keverian*
Adrianna Ma
Paul R. Marcus
Tirin Moore**
Mala Murthy**
James P. Rutt*
Kenan E. Sahin^
Amnon Shashua**
Jeffrey L. Silverman^
Gustav Söderström**
Elizabeth S. Spelke**
Eugene Stark, Jr.*
Theresa M. Stone^
Jeannette M. Wing
Barrie R. Zesiger^

Names without asterisks indicate nominees from the Corporation
^ = Life Member Emeritus Fellows
* = Nominees from the Association of Alumni and Alumnae of MIT
** = Nominees from the President