Visiting Committees were established at MIT in 1875, and their recommendations have had a strong influence on the course of education and research at the Institute for over 120 years. The committees operate as advisory groups to the Corporation and the administration, offering appraisal, advice, and insight on each academic program and on other major activities at the Institute, including the Libraries, the offices of the Dean for Student Life and the Dean for Undergraduate Education, and Sponsored Research.
The visiting committee system at MIT is among the strongest and most active at a major research university and provides valuable counsel on current activities and future directions. Each of the 30 visiting committees normally convenes every two years for a one-and-one-half day session.
Committee recommendations and ideas are conveyed to the Corporation, senior administration, department heads and faculty through oral and written reports and on-going assessments. Committee members often visit departments on their own time to give lectures or meet with members of the departments.
In determining committee membership, efforts are made to achieve wide representation among people from academia, business and industry, and government, while taking into account alumni/ae and non-alumni/ae status; and to identify individuals with a demonstrated interest in MIT and its educational programs who can provide perspective on and helpful evaluations of the departments’ programs and issues.
Visiting committees consist of approximately 425 distinguished professionals, including scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, executives, and educators, many of whom are graduates of the Institute. Each committee typically includes 17 members, including five Corporation members, one of whom is chair; six alumni/ae nominees; and six members nominated by the President. Corporation members are assigned each year to visiting committees; many serve on the same committee for several years, providing valuable continuity and insight. Alumni/ae and presidential nominees are typically expected to serve for two meetings (a four year term), and may be reelected for additional terms.
Appointment or renewal of the committee membership occurs in the spring each year, in consultation with the Chairman, President, Provost, Secretary, and department heads. All visiting committee appointments are approved by the Corporation at its October meeting.
Visiting Committees
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Materials Science and Engineering
Media Laboratory/Media Arts and Sciences
Nuclear Science and Engineering