Bylaws: Section 2

Section 2


The Corporation shall consist of the following members:

Ex officio members: those representatives of the Commonwealth provided from time to time by the acts of the legislature. At present these are the Governor of the Commonwealth, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, and the Secretary of the Education, or any successor to that position.

Ex officio members: the Chair of the Corporation; the President; the Executive Vice President and Treasurer; the Secretary of the Corporation; the President of the Association of Alumni and Alumnae of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Alumni Association), if eligible under Section 2.5; and those other officers of the Corporation from time to time recommended for membership by the Executive Committee, provided such other officers shall be approved for ex officio membership by the members of the Corporation.

Life members who shall have been elected by the members of the Corporation pursuant to Section 3, provided that the number of such life members shall never be greater than twenty-five in office at any one time. Any life member who is a former President of MIT or former Chair of the Corporation shall not be included in counting the number of life members under the prior sentence.

Additional members who shall have been elected by the members of the Corporation pursuant to Section 3 for the terms as provided in Section 2.4, provided that the number of such additional members shall never be greater than twenty-five in office at any one time.

Fifteen members in office at any one time who shall have been nominated by the Alumni Association and elected by the members of the Corporation for the terms as provided in Section 4.

Five members in office at any one time who shall have been nominated by certain students and recent alumni of MIT, and elected by the members of the Corporation for the terms as provided in Section 4.

If a member serving an elected term under Paragraph 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, or 2.1.6 becomes an ex officio member, that person shall serve only in the ex officio capacity. In such an instance, the member's elected term will not be considered vacant and the member may return to serve any unexpired portion of the elected term when the ex officio membership ends.

The full number of members at any one time shall be such number not in excess of the above limits as the Corporation from time to time shall determine, and action by the members of the Corporation in electing or omitting to elect members shall constitute such determination for the time being.

Life members shall become emeritus life members as provided in Section 5. Emeritus life members shall not be included in counting the number of life members under the foregoing provisions.

All members (other than life members and those elected under Paragraphs 2.1.5 and 2.1.6), shall be elected for five years with the following exceptions: those members chosen to fill vacancies (including a member elected in place of a nominee who shall have failed of election) shall hold their membership until the expiration of the term of the original member or originally proposed member whose vacancy they fill; those members who shall be elected for some number of years fewer than five as determined by the members of the Corporation at the time of election whenever that is necessary to cause the terms of as nearly as practicable an equal number of such members to expire in each academic year.

No person under engagement to MIT for compensation as an employee, independent contractor, or other service provider (except an officer of MIT or of the Corporation or a former President), or enrolled as a degree candidate in any undergraduate or graduate program at MIT, shall be elected a member of the Corporation. If such engagement to provide compensated services or enrollment occurs after election, membership in the Corporation shall immediately end.

No person may be elected for more than three terms under Paragraphs 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6, or any combination of them.

A member serving a term under Paragraph 2.1.5 or 2.1.6 may be elected to a subsequent term under Paragraph 2.1.4, 2.1.5, or 2.1.6 only if that subsequent term begins at least one year after the expiration of the previous term. In like manner, a member who is serving a second consecutive term under Paragraph 2.1.4 may be elected to a subsequent term under Paragraph 2.1.4, 2.1.5, or 2.1.6 only if that subsequent term begins at least one year after the expiration of the previous second term.

A member serving a term under Paragraph 2.1.4, 2.1.5, or 2.1.6, who during that term served ex officio as President of the Alumni Association pursuant to Paragraph 2.1.2, may be elected to a subsequent term under Paragraph 2.1.4 or 2.1.5 without regard to the one-year ineligibility imposed by Paragraph 2.6.2.

In determining the term or terms held by a member, any term less than two and one-half years shall not be counted for the purposes of Paragraphs 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.3.

Any member of the Corporation may be removed, with or without cause, by the votes of a majority of the members present at a meeting of members of the Corporation, at which a quorum is present, provided such majority includes not fewer than twenty-five members of the Corporation, or by the unanimous written consent of all voting members then serving. If the action will be taken at a meeting, the notice of the meeting must state that action on removal of a Corporation member will be considered at the meeting.

Any member of the Corporation at any time or times may be granted a leave of absence by the Governance and Nominations Committee, upon such terms as the Governance and Nominations Committee may determine, during all or any part of any period while engaged in any work for the Government of the United States of America or for any corporation controlled by it. In such an instance, the member's elected term will not be considered vacant and the member may return to serve any unexpired portion of the elected term when the leave of absence ends. Members on a leave of absence shall receive all notices, minutes, and reports of meetings of the members of the Corporation, but shall be excused from attending and shall be without vote at such meetings.

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