The Bylaws of the MIT Corporation were most recently amended on March 1, 2024. They are available in an easy-print PDF version (PDF).

- The Corporation
- Members
- Nomination and Election of Life Members and Additional Members
- Nomination for Membership by Alumni and Certain Students, and Election of Such Nominees
- Emeritus Life Members
- Meetings
- Officers of the Institute
- Chair of the Corporation
- President
- Executive Vice President and Treasurer
- Custodians of Securities
- Secretary of the Corporation
- Committees of the Corporation
- Executive Committee
- Governance and Nominations Committee
- Investment Management Company
- Development Committee
- Risk and Audit Committee
- Visiting Committees
- Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs (CJAC)
- Indemnification
- Change in Bylaws
- The Corporation
- Members
- Nomination and Election of Life Members and Additional Members
- Nomination for Membership by Alumni and Certain Students, and Election of Such Nominees
- Emeritus Life Members
- Meetings
- Officers of the Institute
- Chair of the Corporation
- President
- Executive Vice President and Treasurer
- Custodians of Securities
- Secretary of the Corporation
- Committees of the Corporation
- Executive Committee
- Governance and Nominations Committee
- Investment Management Company
- Development Committee
- Risk and Audit Committee
- Visiting Committees
- Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs (CJAC)
- Indemnification
- Change in Bylaws